Profile of Richard Blum

Richard Blum physician - F.C.P., F.A.C.P.
7 years experience 0 projects worked USA
$200.00 /hr $0 earned
Complex Case ManagementForensic MedicineHealthcare Insurance AppealsPeer to Peer reviewsPharmacy Drug Reviews

I have advanced training in pharmaceutical Science,  at St. John’s University, School of Pharmacy, on top of my training in internal medicine and years of experience in drug abuse and internal medicine.

I have worked with attorneys in many malpractice cases on toxicology and medical need of treatment.

Work History (0)

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Work Experiences

  • Physician Advisor

    St Francis Hospital

    September 2011 - Now

    Chart Review for performance improvement , phatrmacologic appropriateness, and peer to peer evaluations


  • M.D.

    Chicago Medical School

    July 2024 - July 2024